Down Syndrome Association of Peel is a registered charity that accepts donations to support its efforts to progress advocacy and education on behalf of people with Down syndrome and their families (Charitable number is #891055170RR0001). There are many ways you can become a sponsor:
- Donate Online: Online donations are a quick and easy way to give. Tax receipts for all donations will automatically be e-mailed to your account.
- School Sponsor: You can support DSAP at your school. For more information on how to start your program, send us an email and someone will reach out to you to build your program. (click here)
- Workplace Matching: You can support DSAP at your workplace and start a Corporate Matching Program. For more information on how to start your program, send us an email and someone will reach out to you to build your program (click here)
- Donate a Good or Service for a Fundraising Event: DSAP is always looking for sponsors to help raise awareness and promote events throughout the community, either at donating an item or service for our silent auctions or providing goods and services to bring a great experience to our members at one of our events.